Wednesday, 28 August 2013

The Wardrobe Shake-Up: What I Wore Saturday Night

Something old,

Nothing new,

Something borrowed,

The rent is due.

Bills, bills, bills. Being an independent lady comes at a price. On Saturday, I stood glumly before my wardrobe looking for something to wear out. Yes, the old adage ‘I've nothing to wear’ did pop into my head! However, as I couldn't afford to buy something new (and I haven't for quite some time) I had to be inventive and give some old pieces of clothing a new lease of life.

If we're honest with ourselves we’ll admit our wardrobes are crammed full of clothes. Long-forgotten, once loved, and even unworn clothes. A wardrobe shake-up, where you create new outfits from clothes you already have, will not only de-clutter your closet but it will save you a packet and help you see your clothes in a new light.  And of course any unwanted items can be given to your local charity shop.

I rediscovered these high waisted bouclé shorts that I bought last spring. I put them with an old jumper, new-ish shoes and borrowed the headscarf from my sister.

Shorts – Asos

Jumper – H&M

Shoes – Asos

Scarf  - Shotsy Vintage


  1. Those shorts are adorable! I love rediscovering old clothes.
    I think we all have those "I have nothing to wear" moments. The truth is that we need to get a little creative and dig a little deeper into our closets ;)

  2. You look absolutely adorable Eimear, love everything about this look xo

  3. Whoa! Awesome find from your own closet! You look so cool!

    Life of Mabel
